May 7

The Endless Race

The tension grew like a fire as Javen lined up. Sweat was visible all over his face as the bright sun burned his skin,  he looked at his mates as they lined up to get ready to run the year 6 cross country. He looked down at the white starting line, then at Mr Jones grabbing his whistle crouched down in his starting position, ready to burst with energy. “ready, set , …SCREEECHH, the sound of the whistle was like the sound of an eagle, declaring the start of the last primary cross country in his life.

April 26

If Summer Were a Person…..

Hello, my name is Javen and in this blog I will show you a poem that I have been working on in school, here it is, hope you like it!

If Summer Were a Person


If summer were a person, he would be a boy with bright, spikey blood red hair.


Summer would wear bright red singlets, a cap, sport shoes and black bike gloves.


Summer would smell like a family barbecue, a bit of diesel and sausages fresh from the grill.


Summer would spend the day playing Soccer with the other kids.


Summer would spend the night snoring away on a bean bag, dreaming about driving cars and gathering energy to shine upon the people in the morning.

I hope you liked it!

March 27

Coming Back from the Holidays

Hi, I’m Javen and I got back from the holiday like 9 weeks ago and I’m gonna tell you about my holidays and what I overall did.

So the main thing I did was take a trip to Vietnam, and I was of course extremely excited for it but I had to get through a boring 10 hour flight ( I might of puked a few times). So after reaching the airport we went to a hotel that was really cool (I mean it) and we got to go to a buffet whenever we wanted for free! I walked around the streets for most of the times I was checking out the street food as well. The most exciting part about this was going thousands of meters in the air by cable car and touching the clouds (it didn’t feel like anything, it was just cold).  I also got to see my mum’s relatives from Vietnam, they were very cool! In almost all the hotels I went too, I had to share a single room with my older brother and cousin.

After Vietnam I had to suffer another long 10 hour flight and then I went home and hugged my bed.

THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 25

A new Surprise!

Hello, my name is Javen, and i will be telling you about a surprising twist that happened in school. So I thought that i would be going to a new classroom and a new teacher, in fact i did move classrooms but I ended up get Mr Hope again! Im also in a split year 5-6 class and I thought that this was going to be chaotic but, it ended up going pretty well and i also made new friends with the year 5s.

In the middle of the term Mr hope had to leave us for a few days due to family problems in Manchester. So we ended up having a couple relief teachers that had to switch for Mr Hope and it ended up not going to bad, we still were able to learn a few things.

December 1


Hi.. This is my last blog post that I will do in a long time, I have been writing blogs and I have been telling you bits of my life in this beloved blog. I am leaving year 5 and going in year 6, luckily for me I got in to the leadership roles(Science Lab Technician). I will finish this of and start year six with a blast! To all the people reading this blog,  FAREWELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If you wanna look at the highlight of the year it is in my other blog.)

November 23

What I Have Learned About My Self

Hi, my name is Javen and in this blog I will tell you about my self and what I have learned about myself (if you don’t agree about myself please tell me) I think that I am (some of this is from my best friend’s opinion) funny, helpful, smart, caring and silly. Another thing that I learned about myself is that I am not as energetic as I think I am. I also now know my limits and how good I am in certain things. I also like playing Soccer/Football a lot more then the start of that year and I play Soccer/Football very often nowadays. And I also know how strong I am (I’m not that strong☹️). And that was it for today’s blog so thank you so much for reading this blog.

November 22

Dinner with Grandma!

Hello! My name is Javen and in this blog I went to my grandma’s house to eat dinner with my cousins. So I arrived at her house at around 5pm  with all of my cousins and we were bored there because there was NOTHING TO DO! So my cousin, Kennedy asked the parents(who were either eating dinner or helping to cook) after we ate this delicious chicken and rice. We wanted to go to the park. We ended up going! At the park I buried my legs in sand( because there was a sandpit) and we played chase around the park until our legs fell off! Then we just went home the just chilled.

November 22

A Highlight of The Year!

Hi, my name is Javen (sorry for not posting for a while) and in this post I will give you an accurate (not really) highlight of the year! My ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE highlight of the year was going to nor-I mean South Korea. I pretty much just ate the most delicious food in Korea. The best one was when my family went to a seafood market and we ended up buying a small sized king crab for lunch then we brought the crab to a restaurant and then they cooked the big crab for us and it was DELISH. Another highlight that will happen VERY soon is i’m flying to Vietnam! Fun fact my mum was born and raised in Vietnam till she reached about 10 years old.

November 1

Halloween Treats!

Hey there! My name is Javen and in this blog I will talk about a very spooky day. So I decided to dress up as a Vampire for trick or treat near my distant cousin’s house(it was his Birthday!). I also went with my best friend and my other good friend for trick or treating. I went at around 5pm to trick or treat. But most of the door were locked or out of candy! But I went to this “Haunted house” that was meant to be scary with my millions of cousins(not really just around 10). In the house was filled with my absolute worst fears, spiders and clowns. Every time someone who was about 5 or under looked traumatised when they got out.

We also knocked on a BUNCH of doors and more then half of them either did not have candy or just didn’t answer. I also saw an anime cosplayer which looked very cool (he went as the character Zenitsu from Demon Slayer)! I forgot to tell you this but my best friend dressed up as a samurai with a real sword (blunt cause why would it be sharp)! Then we walked to my cousin’s house and partied there and I just watched my cousins play Mario kart and traded candy with my cousins and friends. When the party was over I was Soooo Tired like I even slept in the car on the way home. In general, I loved Halloween!
